Big Brother

I have to admit, I used to like Big Brother. If you can remember the 1st season (if you can recall back that far), the involved the audience a lot more. In fact, in that season, the audience voted for who to evict. Obviously that changed the very next season and they have not gone back to that format since. They still involve the audience a bit but it’s mostly for useless things like deciding what the “have nots” will eat for their have-not food choices.

This summer they asked the audience whether they should bring the coaches into the game. Of course the voting went exactly as CBS planned it, because the coaches became part of the game – even though they were told in the season 14 opener, that they were NOT THERE TO COMPETE. That is egg roll on Julie Chen’s face and that was the final straw for me. That and after 14 seasons, I am sick of watching these cooped up hens and roosters cackle about each other for 3 months. The last hen or rooster left standing wins 500K. Which by the way is a cheap ass prize. Can’t CBS up the anty after all these years to something more substantial? Like a million dollars? Geech.. Errnk.. CBS

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